Quantum computation with superconducting circuits

Superconducting devices for quantum information processing will lead to revolutionary advances in computing.

Yale research teams are world leaders in the development of solid-state quantum bits, or qubits, for quantum computing, and in advancing their performance to practical levels. They created the new field of circuit quantum electrodynamics, or circuit QED, which allows quantum information to be distributed by microwave signals on wires. The first electronic quantum processor was invented at Yale in 2008 and Yale researchers have produced many firsts in the field based on these ideas. These include the development of a quantum bus for information transfer and the first demonstrations of quantum algorithms and quantum error correction with integrated circuits. They have also been innovators in high-speed measurement techniques at ultra-low temperatures and have invented numerous devices such as the Cooper-pair box, the RF single-electron transistor, the shot-noise thermometer, and the now widely adopted transmon qubit.
